
2017-02-10 10:21:39

来源: 中国马会;编辑:谦谦君子


9日,中国马会秘书长岳高峰在巴林麦纳麦参加2017世界阿拉伯马协会会员代表大会,发表题为《阿拉伯马的中国故事》的主题演讲(戴诗文 摄)




中国马会秘书长 岳高峰







中国马业协会(简称“中国马会”),源起于1976年,2002年成立了“中国马业协会”。中国马会具有社会团体法人资格,是中国先进社会组织,是国际纯血马登记管理委员会(ISBC)成员、世界阿哈尔捷金马(汗血马)协会(IAHA)发起成员国、亚洲赛马联盟(ARF)成员。中国马会日常办事机构:秘书处、国家马属动物安全福利中心、国家马业传媒中心、违禁药物检测中心、DNA检测实验室(ISAG Number.118697)和国家种马场(筹)。



1934年9月从英国约翰霍登公司购入10匹阿拉伯马并运达上海,后饲养于江苏句容种马牧场,这是中国首次输入阿拉伯种马。有意思的是, 记录1934年有11匹阿拉伯马输入到中国,所以我们猜测,最后一匹名叫“乔治”的1岁马匹是在起运之前或运输途中生下的。







1995年,石川良并先生再次赠送12匹阿拉伯马,6 匹公马,6匹母马。以上18匹马均来自美国肯塔基州,同时,这些阿拉伯种公马还用于改良中国的山丹马和伊犁马,取得了一定的成效。至此,中国已具有中等规模的优质阿拉伯马群。

2015年5月,吉尔吉斯总统赠给中国国家主席习近平一匹阿拉伯公马,该马于2006年出生,青色,名字叫达姆沙皇(CZAR DAM,2006,ARABIAN)。其父亲是:POGANIN,ARABIAN。其母亲是CONTRA。这匹国礼马继承了其祖先的优良基因,能够提高未来在中国阿拉伯马繁育的水平。

2016年1月30日,中国马会邀请美国阿拉伯马协会AHA代表团在北京举办了“阿拉伯马专题讲座”,两位美国专家Deborah Fuentes女士和Jeffrey Wintersteen先生介绍了阿拉伯马的历史,起源、发展、血系与登记注册等专业内容。同时,Deborah Fuentes女士提出建议,希望中国马会申请加入WAHO,在此,我想向Jeff 和Debbie表达我们的感谢,感谢他们的帮助,并不辞辛苦地为中国马主讲解阿拉伯马相关专业知识。2016年3月,中国马会收到了WAHO大会的邀请函。





The Story of Arabian Horses in China 


Dear Mr. President, members of the Executive Committee, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. 

On behalf of China Horse Industry Association, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to World Arabian Horse Organization for their warm welcome.  My name is Gaofeng Yue and I am the Secretary-General. I come here with: Dr Zhenshan Wang, the Secretary-General of China Stud Book Committee; Miss Rebecca Dai, the Director of international affairs of CHIA; and some important representatives of CHIA group members.  This is our first time at a WAHO Conference and we are proud of being here, representing China as the newest Member of the international WAHO family.  I would now like to give you some background history and stories about the Arabian horse in China.


The history of the China Horse Industry Association (also called CHIA) can be traced back to 1976. In 2002, the Association was founded. As one of the advanced social organizations of China, CHIA has an independent legislative status. Besides being a full member of the International Stud Book Committee (ISBC) and the Asian Racing Federation (ARF), it is also one of the founders of the International Akhal-Teke Horse Association (IAHA).In terms of its executive branches, CHIA is composed of the Secretariat, National Center of Equine Safety and Welfare, China Horse Industry Media, Drug Test Center, DNA Testing and Research Laboratory (ISAG Number.118697), and National Stud Farm.


For the recent 10 decades, generally acclaimed as an excellent breed, the Arabian horse has made very good impression on Chinese horse owners.


Historically, the Arabian horse has been introduced into China for many times. According to legend, the prophet Mohammed’s friend Ormar, leading his wife and a group of forty horsemen riding Arabian horses, arrived in Yili region of Xinjiang, China. After receiving the blood of these Arabian horses, the Yili horse as a breed was improved greatly, that's why the two breeds share some common features.


In September 1934, the ten Arabian horses imported from the British company called John Holden Co. Ltd were soon kept in Jurong stud farm after their arrival in Shanghai. This was the first time for Arabian horses importation. It is interesting that a total of eleven Arabian horses, instead of ten, were imported according to the record, we thus surmise that the one-year-old colt named “George” was most likely born shortly before or during the transport.


In the same year, the Guangxi province also imported three Arabian stallions from India. 


As one of the ancient breeds, the Arabian horse has good conformation, elegant and beautiful, it has strong adaptability to environment, hardy and easy to keep. In the spring of 1937, in order to improve the performance of military horses, delegates from Jurong stud farm, China went to Iraq to officially buy Arabian horses. 


A total of 23 Arabian horses, including seven stallions, fifteen mares, and one foal were imported in China in 1937.


The Arabian horses imported in both 1934 and 1937 from UK, India and Iraq were kept in Jurong stud farm. However, due to the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in 1937, the stud farm was moved to Qing Zhen county of Guizhou province in October of 1938, then called Qing Zhen stud farm.


With an area of 2,800 hectares, Qing Zhen stud farm consists of two departments (one responsible for agriculture, the other for horse breeding), one equine hospital for military mounts, and eight breeding stations. Besides breeding Arabian horses, the farm also made efforts to improve the Mongolian horses and the local breeds in Southwest of China. By overcoming all kinds of difficulties, the farm is still undertaking the breeding of Arabian horses today. Since 1949, Qing Zhen stud farm was transformed into a military one.  The number of Arabian horses bred and improved there once reached 700. Now, there are still progenies of Arabian horse crossbreed in the southwest area of China.


In 1993, a Japanese friend (Mr. Ishikawa Ryonami), presented six Arabian horses as gifts – two stallions and four mares – to the vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. 


In 1995, Mr. Ishikawa again sent twelve Arabian horses, six stallions and six mares. All above 18 horses were born in Kentucky, USA. At the same time, the stallions were also used to improve local breed such as Shandan and Yili horses, which made some achievements. As a result, the purebred Arabian stock was elevated to a considerable number.


In May 2015, the President of Kyrgyzstan presented a gray Arabian stallion named Czar Dam to President Xi Jinping.  Czar Dam was born in Poland, by Poganin out of Contra.  It is believed that this national gift horse has many excellent qualities, inherited from his well-known ancestors, will enhance the standard of Arabians breeding in China in the future.


The Arabian Horse Association of America was invited by CHIA to hold a symposium on Arabian horses in Beijing on January 30, 2016. Two American experts, Mrs. Deborah Fuentes and Mr. Jeffrey Wintersteen gave the reports about history, origin, development, bloodlines and registration of Arabian horses. At that time, Debbie Fuentes suggested CHIA to join WAHO; and we would like to take this opportunity to thank both Debbie and Jeff for all their assistance and for so generously making great efforts to educate our owners and breeders. In March 2016, CHIA received conference invitation from WAHO. 


In all, in the last ten decades, many Arabian horses have been imported from different countries into China. Today, we estimate that China has a stock of over 200 living Arabian horses, all of them either imported from WAHO approved studbooks, or their direct progeny. CHIA will from now on maintain the registry and studbooks, and popularization for Arabian horses in China.  Our first task will be to locate, re-identify and register every living Arabian in our country for inclusion in our first Arabian Stud Book of China which, with the help of WAHO and of our Registrar colleagues around the world.


China has a splendid horse culture of 5,000 years. Today, nearly 6 million horses still live in this country with its area of 9 million and 600 thousand square kilometers. As the world's second largest economy with a population of 1.4 billion, China has more than 1,000 equestrian clubs, stud farms and racetracks included across the country with over 10 million faithful horse lovers. As a result, the horse industry in China has won unanimous support of the government, market as well as the public, and its rapid development has attracted the attention all over the world. We strongly believe that the excellent genes and culture of the Arabian horses will be preserved and spread in China, thus making our special contributions to the prosperity of this noble breed.


At last, I wish all of you enjoy a good health and be happy forever. Welcome to China and welcome to CHIA.  Thank you for your attention. 



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