
2016-12-06 13:04:33

来源: 国马传媒;编辑:谦谦君子



The CHIA China Derby, scheduled on December 10th, 2016, the day before Hong Kong Cup, is drawing near. That is to say, our domestic audience will enjoy this international racing meeting which surely will turn a new chapter in the racing history of China.


The host of  2016 China Derby is China Horse Industry Association , and the sponsor is Chengdu Strongmax Equestrian Co., Ltd.



By introducing and organizing three runnings of Chengdu Dubai International Cup successfully, Chengdu Strongmax Equestrian had taken unremitting effort in promoting the internationalization of China horserace industry. 



We have this interview with  Chairman of Chengdu Strongmax Equestrian, Shili Yu, to have a look at his view about 2016 China Derby.




China Horse Industry Media

With regard to the upcoming spectacular “China Derby”, how do you evaluate its significance? 


In the global arena, Derby Cups are always the most influential horseracing competitions that draw most attention. 

Since its inception of the Derby Stakes in Britain in 1780, many countries had copied this mode. As of now, yearly Derby Cups are organized in Europe, America, Oceania, Asia and Africa. Therefore, the inauguration of China Derby sets the sail of one of China’s most influential horserace event and fills the gap in China horseracing industry.



On the 31st Oct 2016, Chengdu Strongmax Equestrian and China Horse Industry Association agreed that talented Chinese jockeys will be selected in China Derby, and the selected jockeys will participate in 2017 Chengdu Dubai International Cup. 

By this token, China Derby is unprecedented in China horseracing industry because it provides not only a communication platform for Chinese horse owners, but also an opportunity for the Chinese Jockeys to compete with top-notched foreign jockeys. 


After the China Derby, the selected jockeys will be sent to UEA, where horserace atmosphere prevails, to seek for experience, receive training, and get along with the horses. I believe the Chinese Jockeys would achieve brilliant results in year 2017 Chengdu Dubai International Cup through persistent effort of all parties involved. 





China Horse Industry Media

As one of the important components in “China Grand National Horseracing”, China Derby is on the one hand a supplement and perfection for  “China Grand National Horseracing” system.  On the other hand, China Derby will push forward China horserace industry to the global stage. 

By introducing and organizing three runnings of Chengdu Dubai International Cup successfully, Chengdu Strongmax Equestrian had taken unremitting effort in promoting the internationalization of China horserace industry. 

With regard to promoting China horserace industry to the global stage, would you like to share some experiences with us ?



Chengdu Dubai International Cup had been successfully run in the past three consecutive years and we persisted to employ the horses and the race meetings as a media of introducing the horseracing industry chain to China. 

By cooperating with Meydan Group, we brought in the world’s best horses, trainers and jockeys, and organized the race meet with highest purse money in China. Through our persistent effort in the past three years, Chengdu Dubai International Cup had become a City card of Chengdu. Chengdu Dubai International Cup plays an active role in promoting Chengdu’s urban marketing, and drives the development of local industry. 





I have an optimistic view on the development of China horserace industry. China is undergoing a transition period, and horserace industry is an appropriate economic growth point. The successful running of the Summit marks Chengdu Dubai International Cup’s significance beyond merely a horserace event. 



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